👩🏼‍🦼Unicode Information(Advanced Usage)

Emoji: 👩🏼‍🦼 Copy
Meaning: woman in motorized wheelchair: medium-light skin tone
Codepoint: U+1F469 1F3FC 200D 1F9BC Copy
Unicode Version: None
Emoji Version: 12.0 (2019-03-05) New
Type Field: RGI Emoji ZWJ Sequence
Qualified Status: 🟢 fully-qualified
Emoji ZWJ Sequences: Role
Categories: 👌 People & Body
Sub Categories: 🏃 Activity
UTF-8: F09F91A9F09F8FBCE2808DF09FA6BC
Decimal: ALT+128105 ALT+127996 ALT+8205 ALT+129468

👨‍💻Basic Information

👩🏼‍🦼Proposal (How was Emoji 👩🏼‍🦼 born?)

The Emoji 👩🏼‍🦼 is derived from proposal L2/14‑173(2014), L2/18‑306(2018), L2/18‑307(2018). Below is the detailed content of the proposal, including proposal number, name, from and detailed files. The proposal containing 👩🏼‍🦼 was approved by the Unicode Consortium and released as Emoji version 12.0 in 2019-03-05.

Emoji👩🏼‍🦼Proposal 1

Proposal Number: L2/14‑173
Proposal Name: Variation selectors for Emoji skin tone (revised)
Proposal From: Peter Edberg, Mark Davis
Proposal Year: 2014
Proposal Emoji: 215 Emoji: 👋🏿, 🖐🏿, ✋🏿, 👌🏿, 🤏🏿 more...
Proposal File:

Emoji👩🏼‍🦼Proposal 2

Proposal Number: L2/18‑306
Proposal Name: RGI emoji sequences for people in wheelchairs and with probing cane
Proposal From: Peter Edberg
Proposal Year: 2018
Proposal Emoji: 12 Emoji: 👨‍🦯, 👨🏿‍🦯, 👩‍🦯, 👩🏿‍🦯, 👨‍🦼 more...
Proposal File:

Emoji👩🏼‍🦼Proposal 3

Proposal Number: L2/18‑307
Proposal Name: ESC Recommendations for 2018Q4 UTC
Proposal From: ESC
Proposal Year: 2018
Proposal Emoji: 12 Emoji: 👨‍🦯, 👨🏿‍🦯, 👩‍🦯, 👩🏿‍🦯, 👨‍🦼 more...
Proposal File:

How to create your wanted Emoji?

How is a new Emoji born? First, users submit their Emoji proposal to the Unicode Consortium, and finally the Unicode Consortium decides whether to adopt the proposal. If the proposal passes, the Emoji you designed may be available in the next year as soon as possible. There is a complete and standard process for submitting Emoji proposals, which requires you to have enough patience and ability. You can use the above proposals as examples. Refer to them to make your Emoji proposal. Click here to Submitting Emoji Proposals (English), so that you and the Emoji you created will also be recorded in the history.

List of all other Emoji proposals

👩🏼‍🦼Emoji Images

👩🏼‍🦼Emoji Evolution Timeline