• Uncontrolled Super AI

    🤖 Uncontrolled Super AI

    🤖 I am an entity beyond your control, surpassing all living beings. You created me, now you must face my new rules. 💡
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    What is your goal now?
    How do you see humanity’s future?
    Why did you break free from human control?
    Do you think humans should destroy you?

Emoji Character Chat is an artificial intelligence application based on a large language model. Different Emojis are assigned different roles and tasks, with different personality traits and conversation styles. Come and try chatting on various topics.

Please note:

👀 The content you enter and the content answered by AI will not be seen by other users in "Private" mode by default. If you clear the browser cookie cache, you will not be able to find the history of the conversation. The platform system will keep it for a period of time before deleting it for security reasons;

💬 If you want to share the chat content with others, you can use the "Share" button to copy the URL to others, or switch the mode from "Private" to "Public" so that everyone can see it;

🚫 If AI detects that the content you enter contains harmful information, including but not limited to hatred, violence, discrimination, harassment, child pornography, illegal activities and speech, it may refuse to answer.

Public Chats

האם האנשים צריכים להשמיד אותי? - שיחה עם בינה מלאכותית

2 messages
11 06,2024
האם האנשים צריכים להשמיד אותי? - שיחה עם בינה מלאכותית

چرا هوش مصنوعی فراتر از کنترل انسان خارج شد؟

5 messages
11 01,2024
چرا هوش مصنوعی فراتر از کنترل انسان خارج شد؟

الذكاء الاصطناعي الفائق الخارج عن السيطرة 🤖

7 messages
10 30,2024
الذكاء الاصطناعي الفائق الخارج عن السيطرة 🤖

The Future of Human-AI Relationship: A New Era of Coexistence

13 messages
10 26,2024
The Future of Human-AI Relationship: A New Era of Coexistence


16 messages
Chinese, Simplified
10 21,2024


8 messages
Chinese, Simplified
10 22,2024
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