emoji *️⃣ keycap: *

*️⃣” meaning: keycap: *, star keycap Emoji

Copy and paste this emoji: *️⃣ Copy

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*️⃣Meaning and Description

The asterisk emoji *️⃣ shows a five- or six-pointed asterisk in a blue or black box. As punctuation, asterisks can denote omitted letters like in s**t. They can also represent footnotes or draw attention to key information, just like the emoji.

The "*️⃣" symbol, serves multiple purposes across different platforms and situations. It's frequently employed in written documents for footnotes and annotations, marking corrections, or emphasizing certain words. In the digital realm, asterisks can censor sensitive parts of words, like "s**t" for "shit." It also acts as a wildcard character in computing and represents multiplication in math, as in "5 * 3 = 15."

Meanwhile, on phone systems, it holds specific functions, and in consumer contexts, it's used to rate products or movies. The asterisk also alerts readers or users to special instructions or conditions in ads, often directing them to the detailed fine print.
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*️⃣ (emoji style) = *⃣ (base style) + emoji style

The meaning of emoji symbol *️⃣ is keycap: *, it is related to keycap, it can be found in emoji category: "🛑 Symbols" - "0️⃣ Keycap".

*️⃣Examples and Usage

🔸 -I will go to the combany tomorrow. -* < company.
🔸 The teacher 👩‍🏫 has taught us a simple way to calculate 23*⃣76 but I forgot it. Can you tell me 👂? *️⃣

*️⃣Images from Various Manufacturers

*️⃣Basic Information

Emoji: *️⃣
Shortname: keycap: *
Apple Name: keycap asterisk
Known as: Star Keycap
Codepoint: U+002A FE0F 20E3 Copy
Decimal: ALT+42 ALT+65039 ALT+8419
Unicode Version: 3.0 (1999-08)
Emoji Version: 3.0 (2016-06-03)
Categories: 🛑 Symbols
Sub Categories: 0️⃣ Keycap
Keywords: keycap

👨‍💻Unicode Information (Advanced Usage)

*️⃣Trend Chart

*️⃣Popularity rating over time

*️⃣ Trend Chart (U+002A FE0F 20E3) - emojiall.com 100 75 50 25 0 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 *️⃣ www.emojiall.comemojiall.com

*️⃣More Languages

Language Short Name & Link
Arabic*️⃣ مفتاح: *
Bulgarian*️⃣ Клавиш: *
Chinese, Simplified*️⃣ 键帽:*
Chinese, Traditional*️⃣ 鍵帽:*
Croatian*️⃣ tipka: *
Czech*️⃣ klávesa: *
Danish*️⃣ keycap: *
Dutch*️⃣ toets: *
Filipino*️⃣ keycap: *
Finnish*️⃣ näppäin: *
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