emoji ↪︎ left arrow curving right svg

↪︎” meaning: left arrow curving right, email forward Emoji

Copy and paste this emoji: ↪︎ Copy

  • 5.1+

    iOS ↪︎Minimum display requirements

  • 4.3+

    Android ↪︎Minimum display requirements

  • 8.0+

    Windows ↪︎Minimum display requirements

↪︎Meaning and Description

Let's follow the arrows of the emoji world to get acquainted with the "" emoji, better known as the right arrow curving left emoji.

The right arrow curving left emoji, , is a classic depiction of a common navigational symbol: an arrow curving from the right to the left. This emoji elegantly captures the arrow's simple but effective design. It displays a stylized arrowhead pointing rightward but curving towards the left, forming an image that's globally recognized and associated with redirection or return.

The emoji is commonly used to symbolize advancement or moving forward. Typically, this emoji is used to signify progression to the next point, state, or topic.

Moreover, this emoji can embody the idea of redoing an action or reiterating a process, similar to the 'redo' function in digital settings. Given its directional nature, this emoji can also symbolizes return, redirection, or revisiting. If you're looking to indicate a return, a detour, or even the concept of revisiting something, the right arrow curving left emoji, , is your ideal guide.
💡Extended reading and popular science

The current ↪︎ is a variant Emoji (text style, displaying black and white symbols on some old platforms), and it has two corresponding Emojis: (basic Emoji without variant symbols) and ↪️ (emoji style, displaying colored symbols on most new platforms). ↪︎ (text style) = (base style) + text style

The meaning of emoji symbol ↪︎ is left arrow curving right, it is related to arrow, it can be found in emoji category: "🛑 Symbols" - "↩️ Arrow".

↪︎Examples and Usage

🔸 🚗Drivers , please pay attention to the side of the lane where the ↪︎ sign is located, and prepare to change lanes in advance!
🔸 We saw the yellow Cadillac at the end of the block trying to make a left-hand turn ↪︎, but our alley is too skinny and the car crashed into a lamppost.
🔸 ↪︎ (21AA FE0E) = (21AA) + text style (FE0E)

↪︎Basic Information

Emoji: ↪︎
Shortname: left arrow curving right
Known as: Email Forward | Right Curved Arrow
Codepoint: U+21AA FE0E Copy
Shortcode: :arrow_right_hook: Copy
Decimal: ALT+8618 ALT+65038
Unicode Version: None
Emoji Version: None
Categories: 🛑 Symbols
Sub Categories: ↩️ Arrow
Keywords: arrow | left arrow curving right
Proposal: L2/07‑257, L2/09‑026

👨‍💻Unicode Information (Advanced Usage)

↪︎Trend Chart

↪︎Popularity rating over time

↪︎ Trend Chart (U+21AA FE0E) - emojiall.com 100 75 50 25 0 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 ↪︎ www.emojiall.comemojiall.com
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