emoji ⏭️ next track button svg

⏭️” meaning: next track button, next track Emoji

Copy and paste this emoji: ⏭️ Copy

  • 9.1+

    iOS ⏭️Minimum display requirements

  • 6.0.1+

    Android ⏭️Minimum display requirements

  • 8.0+

    Windows ⏭️Minimum display requirements

⏭️Meaning and Description

The "Next Track Button" emoji , is showcased as two right-pointing triangles, similar to the fast-forward button, but with a vertical bar to its right. This design is universally recognized as a next-track button on media players.

When it comes to media playback, the emoji is the digital shorthand for 'next' or 'skip'. It could refer to jumping to the subsequent song on a playlist💿, bypassing to the next episode of your binge-watch series, or stepping forward to the following stage in any process. So, whenever you need to symbolize moving ahead or bypassing something, turn to the handy next track emoji.

On social media, you might see the emoji in a post about someone moving on to a new chapter in their life, symbolizing their progression. Or perhaps in a tweet about a series binge-watch, representing the action of skipping to the next episode📺.
💡Extended reading and popular science

The current ⏭️ is a variant Emoji (emoji style, displaying colorful symbols on most new platforms), and it has two corresponding Emoji: (basic Emoji without variant symbols) and ⏭︎ (text style, displaying black and white symbols on some old platforms). ⏭️ (emoji style) = (base style) + emoji style

The meaning of emoji symbol ⏭️ is next track button, it is related to arrow, next scene, next track, triangle, it can be found in emoji category: "🛑 Symbols" - "⏏️ Audio & Video Symbol".

⏭️Examples and Usage

🔸 How do you listen to this song every day? Can you listen to 👂 recent popular music occasionally? I will change to next song ⏭️~
🔸 The next programme⏭️ will be introduced by Mary David.
🔸 ⏭️ (23ED FE0F) = (23ED) + emoji style (FE0F)

⏭️Basic Information

Emoji: ⏭️
Shortname: next track button
Apple Name: Skip Forward Symbol
Known as: Next Track
Codepoint: U+23ED FE0F Copy
Decimal: ALT+9197 ALT+65039
Unicode Version: None
Emoji Version: 1.0 (2015-06-09)
Categories: 🛑 Symbols
Sub Categories: ⏏️ Audio & Video Symbol
Keywords: arrow | next scene | next track | next track button | triangle
Proposal: L2/11‑052

👨‍💻Unicode Information (Advanced Usage)

⏭️Trend Chart

⏭️Popularity rating over time

⏭️ Trend Chart (U+23ED FE0F) - emojiall.com 100 75 50 25 0 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 ⏭️ www.emojiall.comemojiall.com
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