emoji ☀︎ sun svg

☀︎” meaning: sun, sunshine Emoji

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☀︎Meaning and Description

The emoji ☀︎ is a simple and bright symbol that depicts a yellow circle with eight rays extending outwards. It represents the sun, the star at the center of our solar system that provides light and heat to the Earth and other planets🪐.

The sun, as an astronomical body, has been revered and celebrated for millennia. Ancient civilizations often worshipped the sun as a deity🧎, attributing it with the power of life and growth. Its daily rise and set have become symbols of renewal and cycles, influencing cultures and religions around the world.

Primarily, ☀︎ is used to depict sunny weather or a bright day. It's a favorite for those sharing their morning routines. Also, this emoji can symbolize brightness, positivity, and hope. And it often stands for warmth and love.

On the flip side, it's also used in the context of "sunny disposition" or someone being an absolute ray of sunshine in terms of personality😄. Additionally, on social media, it's not uncommon to see the sun emoji paired with motivational quotes, signifying a new day or a fresh start.

☀︎ also appears in environmental protection and energy-related topics, representing a celestial object, a source of energy, or a symbol of life.
💡Extended reading and popular science

The current ☀︎ is a variant Emoji (text style, displaying black and white symbols on some old platforms), and it has two corresponding Emojis: (basic Emoji without variant symbols) and ☀️ (emoji style, displaying colored symbols on most new platforms). ☀︎ (text style) = (base style) + text style

The meaning of emoji symbol ☀︎ is sun, it is related to bright, rays, sunny, it can be found in emoji category: "🚌 Travel & Places" - "☂️ Sky & Weather".

☀︎Examples and Usage

🔸 Sunshine☀︎beach🏖️ ocean waves🌊cactus🌵, and an old captain🚢 👴
🔸 Get up in the morning, embrace the sun, full of positive energy ☀︎☀︎☀︎!
🔸 The sun☀︎ burst upon the crowded city in all its brightness.
🔸 ☀︎ (2600 FE0E) = (2600) + text style (FE0E)

☀︎Basic Information

Emoji: ☀︎
Shortname: sun
Known as: Sunshine
Codepoint: U+2600 FE0E Copy
Shortcode: :sunny: Copy
Decimal: ALT+9728 ALT+65038
Unicode Version: None
Emoji Version: None
Categories: 🚌 Travel & Places
Sub Categories: ☂️ Sky & Weather
Keywords: bright | rays | sun | sunny
Proposal: L2/07‑257, L2/09‑026

👨‍💻Unicode Information (Advanced Usage)

☀︎Trend Chart

☀︎Popularity rating over time

☀︎ Trend Chart (U+2600 FE0E) - emojiall.com 100 75 50 25 0 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 ☀︎ www.emojiall.comemojiall.com

☀︎More Languages

Language Short Name & Link
Arabic☀︎ شمس
Bulgarian☀︎ слънце
Chinese, Simplified☀︎ 太阳
Chinese, Traditional☀︎ 太陽
Croatian☀︎ sunce
Czech☀︎ slunce
Danish☀︎ sol
Dutch☀︎ zon
Filipino☀︎ araw
Finnish☀︎ aurinko
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