emoji ✂︎ scissors svg

✂︎” meaning: scissors, cutting Emoji

Copy and paste this emoji: ✂︎ Copy

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✂︎Meaning and Description

This is a pair of scissors. Most platforms show a red handle with the blade facing down. WhatsApp platform shows a green handle with the blade facing up. It also contains the meaning of tailoring, haircutting, and handcrafting.
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The current ✂︎ is a variant Emoji (text style, displaying black and white symbols on some old platforms), and it has two corresponding Emojis: (basic Emoji without variant symbols) and ✂️ (emoji style, displaying colored symbols on most new platforms). ✂︎ (text style) = (base style) + text style

The meaning of emoji symbol ✂︎ is scissors, it is related to cutting, tool, it can be found in emoji category: " Objects" - "✂️ Office".

✂︎Examples and Usage

🔸 ✂︎ Edward Scissorhands is a very classic movie, I will be very touched every time I watch it.
🔸 What? It's very simple. Scissors✂︎ cuts paper. Paper covers rock.
🔸 ✂︎ (2702 FE0E) = (2702) + text style (FE0E)

✂︎Basic Information

Emoji: ✂︎
Shortname: scissors
Known as: Cutting
Codepoint: U+2702 FE0E Copy
Shortcode: :scissors: Copy
Decimal: ALT+9986 ALT+65038
Unicode Version: None
Emoji Version: None
Categories: ⌚ Objects
Sub Categories: ✂️ Office
Keywords: cutting | scissors | tool
Proposal: L2/13‑207, L2/14‑093

👨‍💻Unicode Information (Advanced Usage)

✂︎Trend Chart

✂︎Popularity rating over time

✂︎ Trend Chart (U+2702 FE0E) - emojiall.com 100 75 50 25 0 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 ✂︎ www.emojiall.comemojiall.com

✂︎More Languages

Language Short Name & Link
Arabic✂︎ مقص
Bulgarian✂︎ ножици
Chinese, Simplified✂︎ 剪刀
Chinese, Traditional✂︎ 剪刀
Croatian✂︎ škare
Czech✂︎ nůžky
Danish✂︎ saks
Dutch✂︎ schaar
Filipino✂︎ gunting
Finnish✂︎ sakset
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