emoji 🇰 regional indicator symbol letter k svg

🇰” meaning: regional indicator symbol letter k Emoji

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🇰Meaning and Description

🇰 is an regional indicator symbol, and the corresponding letter is K. It is generally not used alone, but two regional indicator letters together form an Emoji to indicate a country or region. However, not any two regional indicators can form an Emoji. Only when the corresponding two letters are consistent with the ISO country or region 2-letter code, can they form a usable Emoji. If 🇰 is used as a single letter, it is best to use a space to separate it from other adjacent regional indicator Emoji.
💡Extended reading and popular science

The meaning of emoji symbol 🇰 is regional indicator symbol letter k.

More Regional Indicator: 🇦 🇧 🇨 🇩 🇪 🇫 🇬 🇭 🇮 🇯 🇰 🇱 🇲 🇳 🇴 🇵 🇶 🇷 🇸 🇹 🇺 🇻 🇼 🇽 🇾 🇿 More Regional Indicator can be found in topic: Regional Indicator.

🇰Examples and Usage

🔸 🇰 (regional indicator symbol letter k) => K (k)
🔸 🇨 + 🇰 = 🇨🇰 (flag: Cook Islands)
🔸 🇩 + 🇰 = 🇩🇰 (flag: Denmark)
🔸 🇫 + 🇰 = 🇫🇰 (flag: Falkland Islands)
🔸 🇭 + 🇰 = 🇭🇰 (flag: Hong Kong SAR China)
🔸 🇰 + 🇪 = 🇰🇪 (flag: Kenya)
🔸 🇰 + 🇬 = 🇰🇬 (flag: Kyrgyzstan)
🔸 🇰 + 🇭 = 🇰🇭 (flag: Cambodia)
🔸 🇰 + 🇮 = 🇰🇮 (flag: Kiribati)
🔸 🇰 + 🇲 = 🇰🇲 (flag: Comoros)
🔸 🇰 + 🇳 = 🇰🇳 (flag: St. Kitts & Nevis)
🔸 🇰 + 🇵 = 🇰🇵 (flag: North Korea)
🔸 🇰 + 🇷 = 🇰🇷 (flag: South Korea)
🔸 🇰 + 🇼 = 🇰🇼 (flag: Kuwait)
🔸 🇰 + 🇾 = 🇰🇾 (flag: Cayman Islands)
🔸 🇰 + 🇿 = 🇰🇿 (flag: Kazakhstan)
🔸 🇱 + 🇰 = 🇱🇰 (flag: Sri Lanka)
🔸 🇲 + 🇰 = 🇲🇰 (flag: North Macedonia)
🔸 🇵 + 🇰 = 🇵🇰 (flag: Pakistan)
🔸 🇸 + 🇰 = 🇸🇰 (flag: Slovakia)
🔸 🇹 + 🇰 = 🇹🇰 (flag: Tokelau)
🔸 🇽 + 🇰 = 🇽🇰 (flag: Kosovo)

🇰Basic Information

Emoji: 🇰
Shortname: regional indicator symbol letter k
Codepoint: U+1F1F0 Copy
Decimal: ALT+127472
Unicode Version: 6.0 (2010-10-11)
Emoji Version: 2.0 (2015-11-12)
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