This list page lists thousands of basic Emoji, including Emoji symbol, short name, code point, and is sorted according to the methods officially recommended by the Unicode Consortium. Clicking on the Emoji and short name link can open the emoji introduction page, view information such as description and example, and you can also copy the emoji with one click to paste it elsewhere. Clicking on the code point link to view the Unicode information page of the Emoji, including high-resolution images and vector pictures provided by multiple vendors.

Emoji Symbol Codepoint
🐣 hatching chick 1F423
🐤 baby chick 1F424
🐥 front-facing baby chick 1F425
🐦 bird 1F426
🐧 penguin 1F427
🕊 dove 1F54A
🦅 eagle 1F985
🦆 duck 1F986
🦢 swan 1F9A2
🦉 owl 1F989
🦤 dodo 1F9A4
🪶 feather 1FAB6
🦩 flamingo 1F9A9
🦚 peacock 1F99A
🦜 parrot 1F99C
🐸 frog 1F438
🐊 crocodile 1F40A
🐢 turtle 1F422
🦎 lizard 1F98E
🐍 snake 1F40D
🐲 dragon face 1F432
🐉 dragon 1F409
🦕 sauropod 1F995
🦖 T-Rex 1F996
🐳 spouting whale 1F433
🐋 whale 1F40B
🐬 dolphin 1F42C
🦭 seal 1F9AD
🐟 fish 1F41F
🐠 tropical fish 1F420
🐡 blowfish 1F421
🦈 shark 1F988
🐙 octopus 1F419
🐚 spiral shell 1F41A
🪸 coral 1FAB8
🐌 snail 1F40C
🦋 butterfly 1F98B
🐛 bug 1F41B
🐜 ant 1F41C
🐝 honeybee 1F41D
🪲 beetle 1FAB2
🐞 lady beetle 1F41E
🦗 cricket 1F997
🪳 cockroach 1FAB3
🕷 spider 1F577
🕸 spider web 1F578
🦂 scorpion 1F982
🦟 mosquito 1F99F
🪰 fly 1FAB0
🪱 worm 1FAB1
🦠 microbe 1F9A0
💐 bouquet 1F490
🌸 cherry blossom 1F338
💮 white flower 1F4AE
🪷 lotus 1FAB7
🏵 rosette 1F3F5
🌹 rose 1F339
🥀 wilted flower 1F940
🌺 hibiscus 1F33A
🌻 sunflower 1F33B
🌼 blossom 1F33C
🌷 tulip 1F337
🌱 seedling 1F331
🪴 potted plant 1FAB4
🌲 evergreen tree 1F332
🌳 deciduous tree 1F333
🌴 palm tree 1F334
🌵 cactus 1F335
🌾 sheaf of rice 1F33E
🌿 herb 1F33F
☘ shamrock 2618
🍀 four leaf clover 1F340
🍁 maple leaf 1F341
🍂 fallen leaf 1F342
🍃 leaf fluttering in wind 1F343
🪹 empty nest 1FAB9
🪺 nest with eggs 1FABA
🍇 grapes 1F347
🍈 melon 1F348
🍉 watermelon 1F349
🍊 tangerine 1F34A
🍋 lemon 1F34B
🍌 banana 1F34C
🍍 pineapple 1F34D
🥭 mango 1F96D
🍎 red apple 1F34E
🍏 green apple 1F34F
🍐 pear 1F350
🍑 peach 1F351
🍒 cherries 1F352
🍓 strawberry 1F353
🫐 blueberries 1FAD0
🥝 kiwi fruit 1F95D
🍅 tomato 1F345
🫒 olive 1FAD2
🥥 coconut 1F965
🥑 avocado 1F951
🍆 eggplant 1F346
🥔 potato 1F954
🥕 carrot 1F955
