This list page lists thousands of basic Emoji, including Emoji symbol, short name, code point, and is sorted according to the methods officially recommended by the Unicode Consortium. Clicking on the Emoji and short name link can open the emoji introduction page, view information such as description and example, and you can also copy the emoji with one click to paste it elsewhere. Clicking on the code point link to view the Unicode information page of the Emoji, including high-resolution images and vector pictures provided by multiple vendors.

Emoji Symbol Codepoint
🧉 mate 1F9C9
🧊 ice 1F9CA
🥢 chopsticks 1F962
🍽 fork and knife with plate 1F37D
🍴 fork and knife 1F374
🥄 spoon 1F944
🔪 kitchen knife 1F52A
🫙 jar 1FAD9
🏺 amphora 1F3FA
🌍 globe showing Europe-Africa 1F30D
🌎 globe showing Americas 1F30E
🌏 globe showing Asia-Australia 1F30F
🌐 globe with meridians 1F310
🗺 world map 1F5FA
🗾 map of Japan 1F5FE
🧭 compass 1F9ED
🏔 snow-capped mountain 1F3D4
⛰ mountain 26F0
🌋 volcano 1F30B
🗻 mount fuji 1F5FB
🏕 camping 1F3D5
🏖 beach with umbrella 1F3D6
🏜 desert 1F3DC
🏝 desert island 1F3DD
🏞 national park 1F3DE
🏟 stadium 1F3DF
🏛 classical building 1F3DB
🏗 building construction 1F3D7
🧱 brick 1F9F1
🪨 rock 1FAA8
🪵 wood 1FAB5
🛖 hut 1F6D6
🏘 houses 1F3D8
🏚 derelict house 1F3DA
🏠 house 1F3E0
🏡 house with garden 1F3E1
🏢 office building 1F3E2
🏣 Japanese post office 1F3E3
🏤 post office 1F3E4
🏥 hospital 1F3E5
🏦 bank 1F3E6
🏨 hotel 1F3E8
🏩 love hotel 1F3E9
🏪 convenience store 1F3EA
🏫 school 1F3EB
🏬 department store 1F3EC
🏭 factory 1F3ED
🏯 Japanese castle 1F3EF
🏰 castle 1F3F0
💒 wedding 1F492
🗼 Tokyo tower 1F5FC
🗽 Statue of Liberty 1F5FD
⛪ church 26EA
🕌 mosque 1F54C
🛕 hindu temple 1F6D5
🕍 synagogue 1F54D
⛩ shinto shrine 26E9
🕋 kaaba 1F54B
⛲ fountain 26F2
⛺ tent 26FA
🌁 foggy 1F301
🌃 night with stars 1F303
🏙 cityscape 1F3D9
🌄 sunrise over mountains 1F304
🌅 sunrise 1F305
🌆 cityscape at dusk 1F306
🌇 sunset 1F307
🌉 bridge at night 1F309
♨ hot springs 2668
🎠 carousel horse 1F3A0
🛝 playground slide 1F6DD
🎡 ferris wheel 1F3A1
🎢 roller coaster 1F3A2
💈 barber pole 1F488
🎪 circus tent 1F3AA
🚂 locomotive 1F682
🚃 railway car 1F683
🚄 high-speed train 1F684
🚅 bullet train 1F685
🚆 train 1F686
🚇 metro 1F687
🚈 light rail 1F688
🚉 station 1F689
🚊 tram 1F68A
🚝 monorail 1F69D
🚞 mountain railway 1F69E
🚋 tram car 1F68B
🚌 bus 1F68C
🚍 oncoming bus 1F68D
🚎 trolleybus 1F68E
🚐 minibus 1F690
🚑 ambulance 1F691
🚒 fire engine 1F692
🚓 police car 1F693
🚔 oncoming police car 1F694
🚕 taxi 1F695
🚖 oncoming taxi 1F696
🚗 automobile 1F697
🚘 oncoming automobile 1F698
🚙 sport utility vehicle 1F699
