Default emoji presentation character is a character that, by default, should appear with an emoji presentation, rather than a text presentation. In the emoji-data.txt file officially provided by the Unicode Consortium, there is an property field, which lists the included Emoji according to the property of Emoji, Emoji_Presentation, Emoji_Modifier, Emoji_Modifier_Base, Emoji_Component, and Extended_Pictographic. The following is a list of Emoji included in the Emoji Presentation property, including code point, Unicode version, Emoji and short name. User Guide: What is Emoji Property

Code point Unicode version Emoji Symbol
1F494 6.0 💔 broken heart
1F495 6.0 💕 two hearts
1F496 6.0 💖 sparkling heart
1F497 6.0 💗 growing heart
1F498 6.0 💘 heart with arrow
1F499 6.0 💙 blue heart
1F49A 6.0 💚 green heart
1F49B 6.0 💛 yellow heart
1F49C 6.0 💜 purple heart
1F49D 6.0 💝 heart with ribbon
1F49E 6.0 💞 revolving hearts
1F49F 6.0 💟 heart decoration
1F4A0 6.0 💠 diamond with a dot
1F4A1 6.0 💡 light bulb
1F4A2 6.0 💢 anger symbol
1F4A3 6.0 💣 bomb
1F4A4 6.0 💤 ZZZ
1F4A5 6.0 💥 collision
1F4A6 6.0 💦 sweat droplets
1F4A7 6.0 💧 droplet
1F4A8 6.0 💨 dashing away
1F4A9 6.0 💩 pile of poo
1F4AA 6.0 💪 flexed biceps
1F4AB 6.0 💫 dizzy
1F4AC 6.0 💬 speech balloon
1F4AD 6.0 💭 thought balloon
1F4AE 6.0 💮 white flower
1F4AF 6.0 💯 hundred points
1F4B0 6.0 💰 money bag
1F4B1 6.0 💱 currency exchange
1F4B2 6.0 💲 heavy dollar sign
1F4B3 6.0 💳 credit card
1F4B4 6.0 💴 yen banknote
1F4B5 6.0 💵 dollar banknote
1F4B6 6.0 💶 euro banknote
1F4B7 6.0 💷 pound banknote
1F4B8 6.0 💸 money with wings
1F4B9 6.0 💹 chart increasing with yen
1F4BA 6.0 💺 seat
1F4BB 6.0 💻 laptop
1F4BC 6.0 💼 briefcase
1F4BD 6.0 💽 computer disk
1F4BE 6.0 💾 floppy disk
1F4BF 6.0 💿 optical disk
1F4C0 6.0 📀 dvd
1F4C1 6.0 📁 file folder
1F4C2 6.0 📂 open file folder
1F4C3 6.0 📃 page with curl
1F4C4 6.0 📄 page facing up
1F4C5 6.0 📅 calendar
1F4C6 6.0 📆 tear-off calendar
1F4C7 6.0 📇 card index
1F4C8 6.0 📈 chart increasing
1F4C9 6.0 📉 chart decreasing
1F4CA 6.0 📊 bar chart
1F4CB 6.0 📋 clipboard
1F4CC 6.0 📌 pushpin
1F4CD 6.0 📍 round pushpin
1F4CE 6.0 📎 paperclip
1F4CF 6.0 📏 straight ruler
1F4D0 6.0 📐 triangular ruler
1F4D1 6.0 📑 bookmark tabs
1F4D2 6.0 📒 ledger
1F4D3 6.0 📓 notebook
1F4D4 6.0 📔 notebook with decorative cover
1F4D5 6.0 📕 closed book
1F4D6 6.0 📖 open book
1F4D7 6.0 📗 green book
1F4D8 6.0 📘 blue book
1F4D9 6.0 📙 orange book
1F4DA 6.0 📚 books
1F4DB 6.0 📛 name badge
1F4DC 6.0 📜 scroll
1F4DD 6.0 📝 memo
1F4DE 6.0 📞 telephone receiver
1F4DF 6.0 📟 pager
1F4E0 6.0 📠 fax machine
1F4E1 6.0 📡 satellite antenna
1F4E2 6.0 📢 loudspeaker
1F4E3 6.0 📣 megaphone
1F4E4 6.0 📤 outbox tray
1F4E5 6.0 📥 inbox tray
1F4E6 6.0 📦 package
1F4E7 6.0 📧 e-mail
1F4E8 6.0 📨 incoming envelope
1F4E9 6.0 📩 envelope with arrow
1F4EA 6.0 📪 closed mailbox with lowered flag
1F4EB 6.0 📫 closed mailbox with raised flag
1F4EC 6.0 📬 open mailbox with raised flag
1F4ED 6.0 📭 open mailbox with lowered flag
1F4EE 6.0 📮 postbox
1F4EF 6.0 📯 postal horn
1F4F0 6.0 📰 newspaper
1F4F1 6.0 📱 mobile phone
1F4F2 6.0 📲 mobile phone with arrow
1F4F3 6.0 📳 vibration mode
1F4F4 6.0 📴 mobile phone off
1F4F5 6.0 📵 no mobile phones
1F4F6 6.0 📶 antenna bars
1F4F7 6.0 📷 camera
