🈚︎Merkitys ja Kuvaus
The 'Finnish 'Deny' Button' emoji 🈚︎ features a square shape with the Finnish word 'Kieltäytyä' inside. In Finland🇫🇮, this symbol is commonly used to indicate refusal, denial, or lack of availability.
The 🈚︎ emoji is often employed in situations where someone is rejecting an offer or denying the existence of something. It can also convey a sense of unavailability.
In Finnish social media and online communication, the deny button emoji is frequently used as a humorous way to express refusal or inaccessibility. It can also be utilized to playfully convey the concept of 'absence' or 'unavailability' in various contexts, making it a versatile option for expressing denial or lack of availability.
When a colleague proposes a new project idea, and you are not interested, you can reply with the 🈚︎ emoji to politely decline the offer. Or when a friend suggests meeting up, but you are unavailable, you can use it to signify that you are unable to attend.
The 🈚︎ emoji is often employed in situations where someone is rejecting an offer or denying the existence of something. It can also convey a sense of unavailability.
In Finnish social media and online communication, the deny button emoji is frequently used as a humorous way to express refusal or inaccessibility. It can also be utilized to playfully convey the concept of 'absence' or 'unavailability' in various contexts, making it a versatile option for expressing denial or lack of availability.
When a colleague proposes a new project idea, and you are not interested, you can reply with the 🈚︎ emoji to politely decline the offer. Or when a friend suggests meeting up, but you are unavailable, you can use it to signify that you are unable to attend.
💡Laajennettu lukeminen ja populaartiede
Nykyinen 🈚︎ on muunnelma Emoji (tekstityyli, mustavalkoisten symbolien näyttäminen joillakin vanhoilla alustoilla), ja sillä on kaksi vastaavaa Emojia: 🈚 (perusemoji ilman muunnosmerkkejä) ja 🈚️ (emoji-tyyli, värillisten symbolien näyttäminen useimmat uudet alustat). 🈚︎ (tekstityyli) = 🈚 (perustyyli) + tekstityyli
Hymiömerkin 🈚︎ merkitys on maksuton-kirjainmerkki, se liittyy numeroon japani, kirjoitusmerkki, se löytyy emoji-luokasta: "🛑 Symbolit" - "🅰 Alfanumeriset".
🈚︎Esimerkkejä ja Käyttö
🔸 When your sibling asks if you have any candy 🍬, and you say 🈚︎ to mess with them.
🔸 You receive an invitation to an event, but you're not able to attend, so you respond with 🈚︎.
🔸 Your friend offers to lend you their car for the weekend, but you decline by sending them 🈚︎.
🔸 🈚︎ (1F21A FE0E) = 🈚 (1F21A) + tekstityyli (FE0E)
🔸 You receive an invitation to an event, but you're not able to attend, so you respond with 🈚︎.
🔸 Your friend offers to lend you their car for the weekend, but you decline by sending them 🈚︎.
🔸 🈚︎ (1F21A FE0E) = 🈚 (1F21A) + tekstityyli (FE0E)
🈚︎Kuvia eri Valmistajilta
Emoji: | 🈚︎ |
Lyhyt nimi: | maksuton-kirjainmerkki |
Apple-nimi: | Japanese Sign Meaning “Free of Charge” |
Codepoint: | U+1F21A FE0E Kopio
Lyhyt koodi: | :u7121: Kopio |
desimaalin: | ALT+127514 ALT+65038 |
Unicode-versio: | Ei mitään |
Emoji-versio: | Ei mitään |
Luokat: | 🛑 Symbolit |
Alaluokat: | 🅰 Alfanumeriset |
Avainsanat: | japani | kirjoitusmerkki | maksuton-kirjainmerkki |
Ehdotus: | L2/07‑257, L2/09‑026 |
👨💻Unicode Tiedot (Edistynyt käyttö)
🈚︎Suosio luokitus ajan myötä
🈚︎Katso myös
🈚︎Laajennettu sisältö
🈚︎Lisää kieliä
Kieli | Lyhyt nimi & Linkki |
arabia | 🈚︎ الزر /مجاناً/ باليابانية |
bulgaria | 🈚︎ Идеограма „отрицание“ в квадрат |
kiina, yksinkertainen | 🈚︎ 日文的“免费”按钮 |
kiina, perinteinen | 🈚︎ 無 |
kroatia | 🈚︎ tipka s ideogramom "besplatno" |
tšekki | 🈚︎ štítek s japonským znakem „zdarma“ |
tanska | 🈚︎ kvadratisk ideogram for gratis |
hollanti | 🈚︎ Japans teken voor ‘gratis’ |
englanti | 🈚︎ Japanese “free of charge” button |
Filippiiniläinen | 🈚︎ Hapones na button na nagsasabing "libre" |
Ei viime aikoina käytetty emoji
Emojifioi menestys