emoji ⏪ fast reverse button svg

” tarkoitus: kelaa taaksepäin Emoji

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Merkitys ja Kuvaus

The "Fast Reverse Button" emoji, also known as , is a visually dynamic symbol that is designed as two left-pointing triangles, stacked together (the background color will be different on different platforms.). This kind of design is universally recognized as a fast reverse button on media players.

The double triangle signifies rapid rewinding or going back, and is usually very common in early video tapes, making this emoji a powerful symbol of revisiting the past quickly. It's a symbol that's often used in discussions about music🎵, videos📼, and technology. Whether you're talking about rewinding to your favorite part of a song, going back quickly in a movie, or revisiting a previous stage in a process quickly, the emoji is a quick and easy way to bring the concept of 'fast reverse' into the conversation.

On social media and in our daily chats, the Fast Reverse Button emoji is often used to signify rapid revisiting or going back. You might see it in a post about someone reminiscing about the past quickly, symbolizing their rapid journey back in time. Or perhaps in a tweet about a throwback moment, representing the action of quickly revisiting past memories.
💡Laajennettu lukeminen ja populaartiede

Hymiömerkin merkitys on kelaa taaksepäin, se liittyy numeroon 2, kelaa taaksepäin, kelaus, nappi, nuoli, painike, taakse, se löytyy emoji-luokasta: "🛑 Symbolit" - "⏏️ Audio & Video Symboli".

Nykyinen on perusemoji ilman varianttisymboleita, ja sitä vastaavia emoji-muunnosjaksoja on kaksi: ⏪️ (emoji-tyyli, värikkäiden symbolien näyttäminen useimmilla uusilla alustoilla) ja ⏪︎ (tekstityyli, mustavalkoisten symbolien näyttäminen vanhoja alustoja).

Esimerkkejä ja Käyttö

🔸 The hero and heroine finally met in the last episode , I was moved and started to cry 😭, I will go back and watch again !
🔸 If I can go back to the interview yesterday , I promise would answer better, so regret for that!
🔸 We need to reverse the boy-averse trends.
🔸 (23EA) + hymiötyyli (FE0F) = ⏪️ (23EA FE0F)
🔸 (23EA) + tekstityyli (FE0E) = ⏪︎ (23EA FE0E)

Emoji sosiaalisessa mediassa

⏪ on Youtube

⏪ on Instagram

⏪ on Twitter


Lyhyt nimi: kelaa taaksepäin
Apple-nimi: kelaa taaksepäin ‑symboli
Codepoint: U+23EA Kopio
Lyhyt koodi: :rewind: Kopio
desimaalin: ALT+9194
Unicode-versio: 6.0 (2010-10-11)
Emoji-versio: 1.0 (2015-06-09)
Luokat: 🛑 Symbolit
Alaluokat: ⏏️ Audio & Video Symboli
Avainsanat: 2 | kelaa taaksepäin | kelaus | nappi | nuoli | painike | taakse
Ehdotus: L2/07‑257, L2/09‑026

👨‍💻Unicode Tiedot (Edistynyt käyttö)


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