emoji 👵🏿 old woman: dark skin tone svg

👵🏿” nozīme: veca sieviete: tumšs ādas tonis Emoji

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👵🏿Nozīme un Apraksts

The "👵🏿" emoji, often referred to as the "vecmāmiņa" emoji in Latvian. This emoji depicts an older woman's face, with wrinkles, and white hair. The emoji has a round face with furrowed eyebrows, deep wrinkles, and a small nose. While the design may vary slightly across platforms, the essence—a senior woman—remains universally recognized.

Originating from the sphere of age diversity, the "👵🏿" emoji is often used to refer to older women, grandmothers, or aging in general. In the Latvian culture, it can symbolize the value and respect for elders, and it is commonly used to show love and care for grandmothers or to express appreciation for the wisdom and experience they hold.

In everyday conversation and social media among Latvian speakers, the "👵🏿" emoji can convey warm messages about visiting or thinking of a grandmother, sharing memories and stories about elderly figures, or expressing gratitude for the lessons learned from older members of society. It can also be used to show reverence and admiration for someone who is wise or experienced. This emoji may be employed to humorously describe feeling a bit old-fashioned or to express a lighthearted sentiment of aging after a long day.

The genderless version of this emoji is the "🧓", and the male version is "👴". By default, this emoji is depicted with a neutral skin tone but can be customized with different skin-tone options.
💡Paplašināta lasīšana un populārzinātne

👵🏿 (veca sieviete: tumšs ādas tonis) = 👵 (veca sieviete) + 🏿 (tumšs ādas tonis)

Emocijas simbola 👵🏿 nozīme ir veca sieviete: tumšs ādas tonis, tas ir saistīts ar seja, sieviete, tumšs ādas tonis, veca sieviete, vecmamma, vecs, to var atrast emocijzīmju kategorijā: "👌 Cilvēki un Ķermenis" - "👦 Cilvēki".

👵🏿 ir emocijzīmju modifikatoru secība, kas sastāv no diviem emocijzīmēm, proti: 👵 (Emociju modificētāja bāze) un 🏿 (Emociju modifikators). Ir 5 veidu ādas toņu emocijzīmju modifikatori, proti: 🏻, 🏼, 🏽, 🏾, 🏿. 👵 var kombinēt ar šiem ādas toņa emocijzīmju modifikatoriem, lai izveidotu jaunu emocijzīmju secību, šādi kombinācijas piemēri:

👵🏿Piemēri un Lietošana

🔸 Es tik ļoti pietrūkst mana vecmāmiņa👵🏿.
🔸 Ar laiku, kā cilvēki vecākas, attiecīgi pieaug arī vecmāmiņu izredzes. 👵🏿
🔸 Mums ir jānovērtē vecmāmiņu pieredze un gudrība👵🏿.
🔸 👵🏿 = 👵 + 🏿

👵🏿Emocijzīmes sociālajos medijos

👵🏿 on Youtube

👵🏿 on Instagram

👵🏿 on Twitter


Emoji: 👵🏿
Īss vārds: veca sieviete: tumšs ādas tonis
Kods: U+1F475 1F3FF Kopēt
Decimāldaļa: ALT+128117 ALT+127999
Unicode versija: Nav
Emociju versija: 2.0 (2015-11-12)
Kategorijas: 👌 Cilvēki un Ķermenis
Apakškategorijas: 👦 Cilvēki
Atslēgas vārdi: seja | sieviete | tumšs ādas tonis | veca sieviete | vecmamma | vecs
Priekšlikums: L2/07‑257, L2/09‑026, L2/14‑173

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