This is a list of Emoji whose type field is Basic Emoji, including Emoji symbol, short name and code point.Clicking on the Emoji and short name link can open the emoji introduction page, view information such as description and example, and you can also copy the emoji with one click to paste it elsewhere. Clicking on the code point link to view the Unicode information page of the Emoji, including high-resolution images and vector pictures provided by multiple vendors.User Guide: What is Type Field

Emoji Symbol Codepoint
©️ copyright 00A9 FE0F
®️ registered 00AE FE0F
‼️ double exclamation mark 203C FE0F
⁉️ exclamation question mark 2049 FE0F
™️ trade mark 2122 FE0F
ℹ️ information 2139 FE0F
↔️ left-right arrow 2194 FE0F
↕️ up-down arrow 2195 FE0F
↖️ up-left arrow 2196 FE0F
↗️ up-right arrow 2197 FE0F
↘️ down-right arrow 2198 FE0F
↙️ down-left arrow 2199 FE0F
↩️ right arrow curving left 21A9 FE0F
↪️ left arrow curving right 21AA FE0F
⌚ watch 231A
⌛ hourglass done 231B
⌨️ keyboard 2328 FE0F
⏏️ eject button 23CF FE0F
⏩ fast-forward button 23E9
⏪ fast reverse button 23EA
⏫ fast up button 23EB
⏬ fast down button 23EC
⏭️ next track button 23ED FE0F
⏮️ last track button 23EE FE0F
⏯️ play or pause button 23EF FE0F
⏰ alarm clock 23F0
⏱️ stopwatch 23F1 FE0F
⏲️ timer clock 23F2 FE0F
⏳ hourglass not done 23F3
⏸️ pause button 23F8 FE0F
⏹️ stop button 23F9 FE0F
⏺️ record button 23FA FE0F
Ⓜ️ circled M 24C2 FE0F
▪️ black small square 25AA FE0F
▫️ white small square 25AB FE0F
▶️ play button 25B6 FE0F
◀️ reverse button 25C0 FE0F
◻️ white medium square 25FB FE0F
◼️ black medium square 25FC FE0F
◽ white medium-small square 25FD
◾ black medium-small square 25FE
☀️ sun 2600 FE0F
☁️ cloud 2601 FE0F
☂️ umbrella 2602 FE0F
☃️ snowman 2603 FE0F
☄️ comet 2604 FE0F
☎️ telephone 260E FE0F
☑️ check box with check 2611 FE0F
☔ umbrella with rain drops 2614
☕ hot beverage 2615
☘️ shamrock 2618 FE0F
☝️ index pointing up 261D FE0F
☠️ skull and crossbones 2620 FE0F
☢️ radioactive 2622 FE0F
☣️ biohazard 2623 FE0F
☦️ orthodox cross 2626 FE0F
☪️ star and crescent 262A FE0F
☮️ peace symbol 262E FE0F
☯️ yin yang 262F FE0F
☸️ wheel of dharma 2638 FE0F
☹️ frowning face 2639 FE0F
☺️ smiling face 263A FE0F
♀️ female sign 2640 FE0F
♂️ male sign 2642 FE0F
♈ Aries 2648
♉ Taurus 2649
♊ Gemini 264A
♋ Cancer 264B
♌ Leo 264C
♍ Virgo 264D
♎ Libra 264E
♏ Scorpio 264F
♐ Sagittarius 2650
♑ Capricorn 2651
♒ Aquarius 2652
♓ Pisces 2653
♟️ chess pawn 265F FE0F
♠️ spade suit 2660 FE0F
♣️ club suit 2663 FE0F
♥️ heart suit 2665 FE0F
♦️ diamond suit 2666 FE0F
♨️ hot springs 2668 FE0F
♻️ recycling symbol 267B FE0F
♾️ infinity 267E FE0F
♿ wheelchair symbol 267F
⚒️ hammer and pick 2692 FE0F
⚓ anchor 2693
⚔️ crossed swords 2694 FE0F
⚕️ medical symbol 2695 FE0F
⚖️ balance scale 2696 FE0F
⚗️ alembic 2697 FE0F
⚙️ gear 2699 FE0F
⚛️ atom symbol 269B FE0F
⚜️ fleur-de-lis 269C FE0F
⚠️ warning 26A0 FE0F
⚡ high voltage 26A1
⚧️ transgender symbol 26A7 FE0F
⚪ white circle 26AA
⚫ black circle 26AB
⚰️ coffin 26B0 FE0F
