This is an Emoji list of emoji variation sequences with type base, including Emoji, short name and code point. Clicking on the Emoji and short name link can open the emoji introduction page, view information such as description and example, and you can also copy the emoji with one click to paste it elsewhere. Clicking on the code point link to view the Unicode information page of the Emoji, including high-resolution images and vector pictures provided by multiple vendors.User Guide: What is Emoji Variation Sequences

Emoji Symbol Codepoint
🌧 cloud with rain 1F327
🌨 cloud with snow 1F328
🌩 cloud with lightning 1F329
🌪 tornado 1F32A
🌫 fog 1F32B
🌬 wind face 1F32C
🌶 hot pepper 1F336
🍸 cocktail glass 1F378
🍽 fork and knife with plate 1F37D
🎓 graduation cap 1F393
🎖 military medal 1F396
🎗 reminder ribbon 1F397
🎙 studio microphone 1F399
🎚 level slider 1F39A
🎛 control knobs 1F39B
🎞 film frames 1F39E
🎟 admission tickets 1F39F
🎧 headphone 1F3A7
🎬 clapper board 1F3AC
🎭 performing arts 1F3AD
🎮 video game 1F3AE
🏂 snowboarder 1F3C2
🏄 person surfing 1F3C4
🏆 trophy 1F3C6
🏊 person swimming 1F3CA
🏋 person lifting weights 1F3CB
🏌 person golfing 1F3CC
🏍 motorcycle 1F3CD
🏎 racing car 1F3CE
🏔 snow-capped mountain 1F3D4
🏕 camping 1F3D5
🏖 beach with umbrella 1F3D6
🏗 building construction 1F3D7
🏘 houses 1F3D8
🏙 cityscape 1F3D9
🏚 derelict house 1F3DA
🏛 classical building 1F3DB
🏜 desert 1F3DC
🏝 desert island 1F3DD
🏞 national park 1F3DE
🏟 stadium 1F3DF
🏠 house 1F3E0
🏭 factory 1F3ED
🏳 white flag 1F3F3
🏵 rosette 1F3F5
🏷 label 1F3F7
🐈 cat 1F408
🐕 dog 1F415
🐟 fish 1F41F
🐦 bird 1F426
🐿 chipmunk 1F43F
👁 eye 1F441
👂 ear 1F442
👆 backhand index pointing up 1F446
👇 backhand index pointing down 1F447
👈 backhand index pointing left 1F448
👉 backhand index pointing right 1F449
👍 thumbs up 1F44D
👎 thumbs down 1F44E
👓 glasses 1F453
👪 family 1F46A
👽 alien 1F47D
💣 bomb 1F4A3
💰 money bag 1F4B0
💳 credit card 1F4B3
💻 laptop 1F4BB
💿 optical disk 1F4BF
📋 clipboard 1F4CB
📚 books 1F4DA
📟 pager 1F4DF
📤 outbox tray 1F4E4
📥 inbox tray 1F4E5
📦 package 1F4E6
📪 closed mailbox with lowered flag 1F4EA
📫 closed mailbox with raised flag 1F4EB
📬 open mailbox with raised flag 1F4EC
📭 open mailbox with lowered flag 1F4ED
📷 camera 1F4F7
📹 video camera 1F4F9
📺 television 1F4FA
📻 radio 1F4FB
📽 film projector 1F4FD
🔈 speaker low volume 1F508
🔍 magnifying glass tilted left 1F50D
🔒 locked 1F512
🔓 unlocked 1F513
🕉 om 1F549
🕊 dove 1F54A
🕐 one o’clock 1F550
🕑 two o’clock 1F551
🕒 three o’clock 1F552
🕓 four o’clock 1F553
🕔 five o’clock 1F554
🕕 six o’clock 1F555
🕖 seven o’clock 1F556
🕗 eight o’clock 1F557
🕘 nine o’clock 1F558
🕙 ten o’clock 1F559
🕚 eleven o’clock 1F55A
🕛 twelve o’clock 1F55B
