This list page lists thousands of basic Emoji, including Emoji symbol, short name, code point, and is sorted according to the methods officially recommended by the Unicode Consortium. Clicking on the Emoji and short name link can open the emoji introduction page, view information such as description and example, and you can also copy the emoji with one click to paste it elsewhere. Clicking on the code point link to view the Unicode information page of the Emoji, including high-resolution images and vector pictures provided by multiple vendors.

Emoji Symbol Codepoint
🙏 folded hands 1F64F
✍ writing hand 270D
💅 nail polish 1F485
🤳 selfie 1F933
💪 flexed biceps 1F4AA
🦾 mechanical arm 1F9BE
🦿 mechanical leg 1F9BF
🦵 leg 1F9B5
🦶 foot 1F9B6
👂 ear 1F442
🦻 ear with hearing aid 1F9BB
👃 nose 1F443
🧠 brain 1F9E0
🫀 anatomical heart 1FAC0
🫁 lungs 1FAC1
🦷 tooth 1F9B7
🦴 bone 1F9B4
👀 eyes 1F440
👁 eye 1F441
👅 tongue 1F445
👄 mouth 1F444
🫦 biting lip 1FAE6
👶 baby 1F476
🧒 child 1F9D2
👦 boy 1F466
👧 girl 1F467
🧑 person 1F9D1
👱 person: blond hair 1F471
👨 man 1F468
🧔 person: beard 1F9D4
🧔‍♂️ man: beard 1F9D4 200D 2642 FE0F
🧔‍♀️ woman: beard 1F9D4 200D 2640 FE0F
👨‍🦰 man: red hair 1F468 200D 1F9B0
👨‍🦱 man: curly hair 1F468 200D 1F9B1
👨‍🦳 man: white hair 1F468 200D 1F9B3
👨‍🦲 man: bald 1F468 200D 1F9B2
👩 woman 1F469
👩‍🦰 woman: red hair 1F469 200D 1F9B0
🧑‍🦰 person: red hair 1F9D1 200D 1F9B0
👩‍🦱 woman: curly hair 1F469 200D 1F9B1
🧑‍🦱 person: curly hair 1F9D1 200D 1F9B1
👩‍🦳 woman: white hair 1F469 200D 1F9B3
🧑‍🦳 person: white hair 1F9D1 200D 1F9B3
👩‍🦲 woman: bald 1F469 200D 1F9B2
🧑‍🦲 person: bald 1F9D1 200D 1F9B2
👱‍♀️ woman: blond hair 1F471 200D 2640 FE0F
👱‍♂️ man: blond hair 1F471 200D 2642 FE0F
🧓 older person 1F9D3
👴 old man 1F474
👵 old woman 1F475
🙍 person frowning 1F64D
🙍‍♂️ man frowning 1F64D 200D 2642 FE0F
🙍‍♀️ woman frowning 1F64D 200D 2640 FE0F
🙎 person pouting 1F64E
🙎‍♂️ man pouting 1F64E 200D 2642 FE0F
🙎‍♀️ woman pouting 1F64E 200D 2640 FE0F
🙅 person gesturing NO 1F645
🙅‍♂️ man gesturing NO 1F645 200D 2642 FE0F
🙅‍♀️ woman gesturing NO 1F645 200D 2640 FE0F
🙆 person gesturing OK 1F646
🙆‍♂️ man gesturing OK 1F646 200D 2642 FE0F
🙆‍♀️ woman gesturing OK 1F646 200D 2640 FE0F
💁 person tipping hand 1F481
💁‍♂️ man tipping hand 1F481 200D 2642 FE0F
💁‍♀️ woman tipping hand 1F481 200D 2640 FE0F
🙋 person raising hand 1F64B
🙋‍♂️ man raising hand 1F64B 200D 2642 FE0F
🙋‍♀️ woman raising hand 1F64B 200D 2640 FE0F
🧏 deaf person 1F9CF
🧏‍♂️ deaf man 1F9CF 200D 2642 FE0F
🧏‍♀️ deaf woman 1F9CF 200D 2640 FE0F
🙇 person bowing 1F647
🙇‍♂️ man bowing 1F647 200D 2642 FE0F
🙇‍♀️ woman bowing 1F647 200D 2640 FE0F
🤦 person facepalming 1F926
🤦‍♂️ man facepalming 1F926 200D 2642 FE0F
🤦‍♀️ woman facepalming 1F926 200D 2640 FE0F
🤷 person shrugging 1F937
🤷‍♂️ man shrugging 1F937 200D 2642 FE0F
🤷‍♀️ woman shrugging 1F937 200D 2640 FE0F
🧑‍⚕️ health worker 1F9D1 200D 2695 FE0F
👨‍⚕️ man health worker 1F468 200D 2695 FE0F
👩‍⚕️ woman health worker 1F469 200D 2695 FE0F
🧑‍🎓 student 1F9D1 200D 1F393
👨‍🎓 man student 1F468 200D 1F393
👩‍🎓 woman student 1F469 200D 1F393
🧑‍🏫 teacher 1F9D1 200D 1F3EB
👨‍🏫 man teacher 1F468 200D 1F3EB
👩‍🏫 woman teacher 1F469 200D 1F3EB
🧑‍⚖️ judge 1F9D1 200D 2696 FE0F
👨‍⚖️ man judge 1F468 200D 2696 FE0F
👩‍⚖️ woman judge 1F469 200D 2696 FE0F
🧑‍🌾 farmer 1F9D1 200D 1F33E
👨‍🌾 man farmer 1F468 200D 1F33E
👩‍🌾 woman farmer 1F469 200D 1F33E
🧑‍🍳 cook 1F9D1 200D 1F373
👨‍🍳 man cook 1F468 200D 1F373
👩‍🍳 woman cook 1F469 200D 1F373
🧑‍🔧 mechanic 1F9D1 200D 1F527
👨‍🔧 man mechanic 1F468 200D 1F527
