Default emoji presentation character is a character that, by default, should appear with an emoji presentation, rather than a text presentation. In the emoji-data.txt file officially provided by the Unicode Consortium, there is an property field, which lists the included Emoji according to the property of Emoji, Emoji_Presentation, Emoji_Modifier, Emoji_Modifier_Base, Emoji_Component, and Extended_Pictographic. The following is a list of Emoji included in the Emoji Presentation property, including code point, Unicode version, Emoji and short name. User Guide: What is Emoji Property

Code point Unicode version Emoji Symbol
1F68F 6.0 🚏 bus stop
1F690 6.0 🚐 minibus
1F691 6.0 🚑 ambulance
1F692 6.0 🚒 fire engine
1F693 6.0 🚓 police car
1F694 6.0 🚔 oncoming police car
1F695 6.0 🚕 taxi
1F696 6.0 🚖 oncoming taxi
1F697 6.0 🚗 automobile
1F698 6.0 🚘 oncoming automobile
1F699 6.0 🚙 sport utility vehicle
1F69A 6.0 🚚 delivery truck
1F69B 6.0 🚛 articulated lorry
1F69C 6.0 🚜 tractor
1F69D 6.0 🚝 monorail
1F69E 6.0 🚞 mountain railway
1F69F 6.0 🚟 suspension railway
1F6A0 6.0 🚠 mountain cableway
1F6A1 6.0 🚡 aerial tramway
1F6A2 6.0 🚢 ship
1F6A3 6.0 🚣 person rowing boat
1F6A4 6.0 🚤 speedboat
1F6A5 6.0 🚥 horizontal traffic light
1F6A6 6.0 🚦 vertical traffic light
1F6A7 6.0 🚧 construction
1F6A8 6.0 🚨 police car light
1F6A9 6.0 🚩 triangular flag
1F6AA 6.0 🚪 door
1F6AB 6.0 🚫 prohibited
1F6AC 6.0 🚬 cigarette
1F6AD 6.0 🚭 no smoking
1F6AE 6.0 🚮 litter in bin sign
1F6AF 6.0 🚯 no littering
1F6B0 6.0 🚰 potable water
1F6B1 6.0 🚱 non-potable water
1F6B2 6.0 🚲 bicycle
1F6B3 6.0 🚳 no bicycles
1F6B4 6.0 🚴 person biking
1F6B5 6.0 🚵 person mountain biking
1F6B6 6.0 🚶 person walking
1F6B7 6.0 🚷 no pedestrians
1F6B8 6.0 🚸 children crossing
1F6B9 6.0 🚹 men’s room
1F6BA 6.0 🚺 women’s room
1F6BB 6.0 🚻 restroom
1F6BC 6.0 🚼 baby symbol
1F6BD 6.0 🚽 toilet
1F6BE 6.0 🚾 water closet
1F6BF 6.0 🚿 shower
1F6C0 6.0 🛀 person taking bath
1F6C1 6.0 🛁 bathtub
1F6C2 6.0 🛂 passport control
1F6C3 6.0 🛃 customs
1F6C4 6.0 🛄 baggage claim
1F6C5 6.0 🛅 left luggage
1F6CC 7.0 🛌 person in bed
1F6D0 8.0 🛐 place of worship
1F6D1 9.0 🛑 stop sign
1F6D2 9.0 🛒 shopping cart
1F6D5 12.0 🛕 hindu temple
1F6D6 13.0 🛖 hut
1F6D7 13.0 🛗 elevator
1F6DC 15.0 🛜 wireless
1F6DD 14.0 🛝 playground slide
1F6DE 14.0 🛞 wheel
1F6DF 14.0 🛟 ring buoy
1F6EB 7.0 🛫 airplane departure
1F6EC 7.0 🛬 airplane arrival
1F6F4 9.0 🛴 kick scooter
1F6F5 9.0 🛵 motor scooter
1F6F6 9.0 🛶 canoe
1F6F7 10.0 🛷 sled
1F6F8 10.0 🛸 flying saucer
1F6F9 11.0 🛹 skateboard
1F6FA 12.0 🛺 auto rickshaw
1F6FB 13.0 🛻 pickup truck
1F6FC 13.0 🛼 roller skate
1F7E0 12.0 🟠 orange circle
1F7E1 12.0 🟡 yellow circle
1F7E2 12.0 🟢 green circle
1F7E3 12.0 🟣 purple circle
1F7E4 12.0 🟤 brown circle
1F7E5 12.0 🟥 red square
1F7E6 12.0 🟦 blue square
1F7E7 12.0 🟧 orange square
1F7E8 12.0 🟨 yellow square
1F7E9 12.0 🟩 green square
1F7EA 12.0 🟪 purple square
1F7EB 12.0 🟫 brown square
1F7F0 14.0 🟰 heavy equals sign
1F90C 13.0 🤌 pinched fingers
1F90D 12.0 🤍 white heart
1F90E 12.0 🤎 brown heart
1F90F 12.0 🤏 pinching hand
1F910 8.0 🤐 zipper-mouth face
1F911 8.0 🤑 money-mouth face
1F912 8.0 🤒 face with thermometer
1F913 8.0 🤓 nerd face
1F914 8.0 🤔 thinking face
1F915 8.0 🤕 face with head-bandage
