

這不僅對學術界📚️是一項巨大的貢獻,對emoji用戶來說也是有趣的知識拓展🤸。因此,廣東外語外貿大學外國語言學及應用語言學研究中心決定於2022年12月在線舉辦“圖文字與數字媒體”(Symposium on Graphicons and Digital Media)專題研討會” ,邀請海內外專家一起來和大家分享關於emoji的研究成果,任何感興趣的人都可以免費註冊參加。



1. Marcel Danesi


学术成就🏆:近期出版专著有:Understanding Media Semiotics (2nd edition),Memes and the Future of Popular Culture,Linguistic Relativity Today: Language, Mind, Society, and the Foundations of Linguistic Anthropology,Warning Signs: The Semiotics of Danger。1998年以其在符号学方面的学术贡献获授加拿大皇家学会会员。

2. Susan Herring


學術成就🏆:曾任 Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 主編,現任網絡期刊 Language@Internet主編。她的近期研究主要關注多模態視角下的計算機輔助交際。

3. Michele Zappavigna


學術成就🏆:現擔任期刊 Visual Communication 聯合主編。其代表性著作包括 Searchable Talk: Hashtags and Social Media MetadiscourseDiscourse of Twitter and Social Media

4. Sumin Zhao


學術成就🏆:她是Functions of Language的編輯和BAAL SIG Language and New Media的現任召集人。


Beijing Time, GMT+8 Zoom Meeting
8:00-8:10 會議開幕致辭
8:10-9:10 Keynote Speech: Marcel Danesi

Emojis as Episodic Structures

9:10-9:40 Invited Speech: Ashley Dainas

The GIF that Keeps on Giving: Functions of GIFs in Personal Text Messages

9:40-10:10 Invited Speech: Jing Ge-Stadnyk

Emoji in Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing

10:10-10:40 Invited Speech: Ben Weissman

Commitment via Images and Emoji in Text Messages

10:40-11:10 Invited Speech: Yiqiong Zhang

From Compensation to Competition: The Impact of Graphicons on Language use

11:10-12:10 Keynote Speech: Sumin Zhao

Understanding Platform and Contextual Variation in Emojis: Towards a Methodology Midground

13:00-14:00 Keynote Speech: Susan Herring

Filtered Digital Self-Representation: Uses and Effects

14:00-14:30 Invited Speech: Leticia-Tian Zhang

Graphicons and Visual Commenting Practices on Bilibili

14:30-15:00 Invited Speech: Yaqin Wang

Category, Frequency and Position of Emojis in Twitter Discourse

15:00-16:00 Keynote Speech: Michele Zappavigna

Emoji as Paralanguage: Modelling Emoji-text Relations and Exploring Ambient Affiliation in Social Media Discourse

16:00-16:30 Invited Speech: Lorenzo Logi

Emoji-language Resonance and Synchronicity: Exploring how Emoji Coordinate with Language to Realise Interpersonal and Textual Meaning

16:30-17:00 Invited Speech: Agnese Sampietro

Graphicons and the Management of Humorous Interactions: Insights from a Spanish WhatsApp Chat

17:00-17:30 Invited Speech: Jingsong Qi

Emoji Intelligent Search with Natural Language Processing

17:30-17:35 會議閉幕致辭


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